Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Monthly Archive December 2012

Psychodrama “Soul in Action” Healing Method

by Amy Hautman Bates My first quarter at SWC has introduced me to what seems like a million new healing practices.  One I find particularly interesting is Psychodrama. It is believed that acting out physically frees us from barriers and allows us to act spontaneously in the here and now.  I like drama and I…
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Scenes from Supervision

 by Debbie Schroder A few months ago I wrote about the importance of words. Today I’m having trouble finding the right ones to describe my experience in supervision this quarter. Not wanting to add to the old myth that art therapists don’t talk, I’ll try to summon some words to express what I’m very aware…
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A Southwestern College Intern’s Letter from Prison

Reflection Option #3: A Letter to My Teacher--By Colleen Dougherty Dr. Carol Parker, Ph.D, LPCC Southwestern College, Santa Fe, NM Dec. 3, 2012   Dear Carol, I am writing to tell you about my experiences so far in the AmeriCorps program called OARS-Opportunities in AmeriCorps for Re-entry Success. This program exists in four of New…
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