Image by Ben Noel, Creature of the Week
This year we had nineteen students presenting their Capstone B projects and their art pieces that demonstrate the culmination of their learning in the SWC art therapy and counseling program. The students were asked to choose between either a group art process or a creative self-inquiry where they could explore themes that arose during internship as well as have a regular art practice to consider transference and countertransference, self-care, self-advocacy, the supervisory process, etc. The first link is to the Padlet page that contains their video presentations. Students could choose as to whether or not to have their presentations included to display. https://padlet.com/ArtTherapy_SWC/capstone-b-presentations-summer-2024-cbf5653j9xogcuro
The second link is to the Wild Heart Gallery where students were asked to submit 1-3 art pieces that were integral in their time at Southwestern College.
Please take some time with these as they are absolutely amazing!