In the following quotes from their self-reflections, doctoral students entering in Fall 2024 share their experiences of finding community with each other and the faculty of the Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership PhD Program at Southwestern College.
Genell Howel: “Within my cohort and faculty, I found a group of like-minded individuals whose ultimate aim is to see the progressive growth of our society and the healing of our planet on systemic levels. I understand this is an enormous task; however, these hopes and aspirations felt more attainable and tangible when we connected and visioned together. Each activity sparked deeper thought and contemplation about how we could enact change while further fleshing out our vision seeds. The final two days of this experience culminated in an even greater expansion of my vision seed with the introduction of thought-provoking faculty and mentors. At times I lack the words to fully articulate my feelings, the best I can do is to describe it as, ‘I feel at home.’”
Jamie Moon: “My time with each of you has truly been a ‘remembrance,’ an opportunity to shift and return to those spaces inside myself that are vulnerable, creative, grounded, and deeply spiritually connected. A time to reconnect to my soul to remember once again what it feels like to be held, heard, seen, and loved, finding value in building relationships with others once again.”
Dee Ann Morgan-Holt: “Sharing, sitting with and looking more closely at my vision seed – village-mindedness – along with my fellow students’ vision seeds, through the collective mind-mapping, ecofractal hand diagram, soul collage, and taking my vision seed to the land during solo time, all helped clarify my own vision. Presenting my PechaKucha, followed by questions, answers, and notecards with feedback, then cross-pollinating in the large circle, and speed-networking with potential mentors and core faculty, constructed a powerful, supportive, welcoming container for my vision seed to emerge. I felt seen, heard, and safe to be who I truly am.”