The time has come where I am going to be in facilitator role again. Very well. I accept that with gratitude and responsibility because there is a lot of energy to be shared within our SWC community. I received my 200-hour certification about a year ago and have not used it yet other than in my own practice, so the chance to get to facilitate such a space is a real treat and learning opportunity for me.
And I’m the lucky one…
Part of how I pay for my education at SWC is through my graduate assistant position which any student is able to apply for. Last quarter I conducted research on career and life development in special populations or non-dominant cultures of all kinds. I really enjoyed that and learned a great deal! This quarter I am researching domestic and international art therapy resources, social media groups, and other types of organizations, which is really exciting for me, as I aspire to use my skills working abroad as an art therapist, counselor, mediator and facilitator in various capacities. Since my BA degree is in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding, the ways I can connect my undergrad work to my graduate work, and the ways I can build a useful practice using all of the skills I have learned and am learning, are becoming crystal clear to me. The unfolding of my academic and professional life is very exciting!!!
Now I get to incorporate some of my others passions and useful skills in Yoga and mindfulness. This quarter, I will be facilitating a gentle Yoga and meditation class starting Monday 1/23/17 and it will be on-going and free of charge to Southwestern students, staff and faculty. What a gift that I get to share sacred practice and space with others while also paying for my MA program! I feel so excited and honored. I also feel so blessed that creating healing spaces for connection is important to SWC as an institution.
Several women have already shown interest and I hope the men will feel comfortable to join us. They probably will but just are holding back their excitement at this point. Interesting how the Yoga tables have turned though-out history. Yoga used to be a very male dominated practice but it is female dominated now, at least in many Western cultures. I pray that gender binaries will balance out, as well as all other binaries. Si se puede! We can do it!
Laura Murphy wrote this during her first year as a Master of Art Therapy and Counseling Student at Southwestern College. She was also a Graduate Assistant while pursuing her degree.