Andrew Fearnside, LMHC
I work as a psychotherapist for a small agency in Albuquerque, NM, providing treatment for a wide variety of folks with problems centered in addiction, trauma, grief and loss, depression and anxiety. I am proud to say that I am still generally delighted, and sometimes challenged, by the great mystery that life presents us all, therapist and client alike.
My family life has become even more wonderfully rich over the past several years, which is truly a gift. I have begun making art again. My own healing continues to lead me forward, sometimes into brambles, but always towards the light.
I will always be grateful to SWC for helping me constellate the forces necessary to make a big turning in my life. Thank you to my heart teachers for helping me begin to honor my ability to follow the bunny trails, inside and out. And thank you to the institution for supporting the strong cohort of fellow travelers I was a part of–with that group the wisps of dreams solidified into a path that seemed inevitable.
I welcome connections with any and all SWC grads here in the Southwest. I’ve met a few out here in the profession since graduation–thanks go to Emory and Paul, specifically.
Professional statement:
Depression. Anxiety. Grief. Trauma. Addiction. Even when these afflictions don’t destroy our lives, they cause suffering. All of them affect every level of our being: they are holistic problems, and require holistic solutions. Thankfully, our symbolic life, ever present in the images we use to communicate, is always holistic. Our images reflect back to us what we are. Sometimes they feel radiant. Sometimes they feel muddied, even noxious. If we are willing to follow them, they inevitably draw us towards healing, as one image opens into another, and another, always leading us deeper into our own wholeness.
As a therapist, it is my privilege to head into the wildernesses of your life. Somewhere in that vast backcountry, the solutions to your current conundrums await discovery. We’ll need tools, and we’ll need courage, but we will find what we need. We can heal. Everyone can.
My first career was as an artist. For over ten years, I made paintings, performances, and graphic design. After finding inspiration and healing in yoga and meditation, I became a yoga teacher, and spent ten years helping students explore mind and body. I provide treatment that melds both modalities with my psychotherapeutic training.
Bosque Mental Health Associates
7013 Fourth Street Nw
Los Ranchos, New Mexico 87107
alumni are welcome to connect via Linked In, Facebook and Pinterest
I would like to acknowledge the warmth and willingness to help of the Southwestern Alumni community in my journey from school into clinical practice. My now-coworker, Paul Weeks, LMHC, was not only instrumental in helping me on-board at the Family Workshop, but has been a source of friendship and support as well in our work. Mr. David Riedesel, LADAC, LMHC has been astonishingly open-hearted and open-handed in his discussion of work in the Albuquerque Corrections system. Thank you both.
Please feel free to call, text or email afearnside@gmail.com. Thanks to Antonio, we are beginning a Potluck Think Tank down here in Albuquerque to discuss issues we all find moving, perplexing or hilarious; you are welcome to come at any time.
Website: http://counselingforcreatives.wordpress.com/
For information about admission to Southwestern College, email Dru Phoenix, Director of Admissions, at admissions@swc.edu