Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Monthly Archive December 2013

The Hands That Guide – Creative Faculty and Staff at Southwestern College

by Debbie Schroder (2013)   The Wild Heart Gallery in the art therapy building is simply exploding with color! The show, entitled “The Hands That Guide” was hung this week and is a delightful mix of art created by faculty and staff at Southwestern College. I’m always aware,…
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Structure, Fluidity, and Presence in Sessions with Clients

This is episode 5 of the Aspiring Coaches and Therapists podcast, by Emilah Dawn DeToro and Jacob Gotwals. In this episode, we discuss the roles of structure, fluidity, and presence in sessions with clients. Listen Now / Download (Duration: 36:41 — 25.2MB) Find out about: How Emilah structures intuitive life coaching sessions with clients …
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Why I’m Getting a Master’s in Counseling at Southwestern College

This is episode 2 of the Aspiring Coaches and Therapists podcast, by Emilah Dawn DeToro and Jacob Gotwals. In this episode, Jacob describes how he chose to enter a master’s degree program in counseling at Southwestern College. Listen Now / Download (Duration: 14:26 — 9.9MB) Find out: Why Jacob decided to become a therapist …
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Where Do Southwestern College Grads Work? Karen Wennberg

"My clients are the best of my teachers, and I am forever grateful to them." - Karen Wennberg A few months after graduation, I worked up the courage to take a job offer serving a population that is often avoided and forgotten by society. Addiction brings individuals affected to a place where there is little…
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Peru Update by Candy Jones

Last week the Escuela Bonita Pachamama Mural series was completed and hung on the walls of the school. The typical labyrinth exercises, games, escuela perro, and puzzles were additional forms of exercise. This final week, we watched the animated film:  The legend of the guardians which is an adventurous tale of owls, the…
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Staying Centered and Grounded as a Practicing Art Therapist

By Amy Hautman Bates So far my education at Southwestern College has been truly amazing.  The mission of the college “Transforming Consciousness Through Education,” has resonated with my beliefs and values and the teachings have come easily for me.  But, learning about something and actually doing it can be very different.  It is common for…
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