Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Yearly Archive 2021

Calling All Visionaries!

Calling All visionaries! By Ann Filemyr, PhD. President and Founder/Director of the   in PhD Visionary Practice & Regenerative Leadership The new transdisciplinary PhD in Visionary Practice & Regenerative Leadership at Southwestern College in Santa Fe features a unique approach. This low residency doctoral degree is designed to support adult learners who seek to…
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The Magic of Trans-Formation: Alchemy, Gender, and JKR  

  Trans- (prefix): From Latin. (1) On the other side of : across : through : beyond (2) so or such as to change or transfer Southwestern College offers a curriculum that initiates transformational learning. Meaning, through the process of education one will emerge differently than they arrived. The mantra of the institution is “transforming…
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Integrating Brain, Body & Heart!

I attended the NEI Certificate Program class “Integrating Brain, Body & Heart Intelligence” taught by Tim Burns, M.A.  The course is one offered periodically in the Applied Interpersonal Neurobiology Certificate program here at Southwestern College. The weekend course took a dive into the science of the brain and nervous system to enable us to better…
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An Alternative Higher Education

When I applied for the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Southwestern, I knew I was seeking an alternative form of higher education. If the second half of the college’s name, “New Earth Institute,” didn’t give it away already, the school’s style of educating certainly does. “Transformational Learning”, a term used frequently by Southwestern, is…
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Knowing when to say “when”

I attended the Ecotherapy workshop “Exploring Kinship Relations Using Ecotherapy and Art Therapy” and so enjoyed being out on campus spending time walking through the gardens, meditating in the labyrinth, and sitting by the desert fountains. It was definitely food for the soul and, even better, to be able to make art as well was…
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Sexual Inheritance by Laura Rademacher, MA, LMFT, CST, CSTS

Fall is here and as we approach holidays that acknowledge the thinning of the veil between worlds and honor our loved ones who have passed (Día de los Muertos, Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows Eve, etc.) I’d like to tell you a ghost story from my own life. Years ago, I visited an Intuitive, planning to…
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“Healing the Racial Complex in our American Psyche” by Kate Latimer, Program Chair MA in Counseling

  As I reflect on the recent guilty x3 verdict of Dereck Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd, I hope Mr. Floyd’s family feel some relief with the jury’s decision, but I know from experience working with survivors of violent crime that the outcome of a trial does not erase loss or stop the…
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Beyond “Bad” News by Kate Latimer, Program Chair MA in Counseling

  I recently read a New York Times article titled, Bad News Bias, (published Wednesday, March 24, 2021) citing a recent study showing that press coverage of COVID-19 was overwhelmingly negative in the US, compared to other countries. The article’s author, David Leonhardt wrote, “When Covid cases were rising in the U.S., the news coverage…
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This Week’s Hard Walk

By Deborah Schroder   At Southwestern we believe that therapists should be grounded by their own connection to their spirituality. And we hold a wide view of what those spiritual practices and beliefs might be. Walking in nature, meditating, singing, being part of a faith community, so many varieties are represented in our diverse community. …
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Finding My Inner Strength by Chelstina Rosera, SWC student

Finding My Inner Strength,  March 2121  Inner strength is this magical power we all have yet often forget it’s there. When you tap into it you can achieve great things. When I think of times in the past when I had to be strong, I envision instinctual animalistic power. I don’t think about what I…
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Thoughts on Future Bound Genograms by Deborah Schroder, ATCN Program Chair

  This quarter I’m teaching two sections of one of my favorite courses – Family Art Therapy. As we’ve been exploring many aspects of intergenerational trauma and historical intergenerational trauma, it’s occurred to me that this pandemic we’re in will  be reflected in genograms. How will that look, what will therapists see? So many families’…
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“Rising Hope” by Aubrey Leigh Newton

Rising Hope:   At first, I see the road ahead, to be long, and treacherous.  The mountains I see, as steep, and unforgiving.  I feared, challenges unknown, and obstacles well-placed ahead of me.  At times, I stumbled, from the weight of all I carry.  But, I feel my spirit, ignited once more, rising above the…
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Graduation Blessing from Graduating Student: Awbrey Willett

An Allegiance to Gratitude for Southwestern: Inspired by the Onondaga Thanksgiving Address Today we are gathered to celebrate our graduation from Southwestern college.  We look upon the virtual faces around us and we see that the cycle of life continues.  We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other…
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