Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Yearly Archive 2015

10 Tips to Thrive in Grad School at SWC

I make war with what comes in contact with a person's health or happiness, believing that God made everything good..." ~Phineas Parkhurst Quimby Grad school is a unique, generally rigorous, and ideally outstanding life experience which will push you to your intellectual, emotional, and physical limits. At the end of year one…
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Soul-Making at Southwestern College

What do you get when you rock a holistic, integrative, soulful curriculum and approach to Art Therapy and Counseling, in an innovative and powerfully transformational dual degree program? You get soul-making at the graduate level, an exponentially mentally, emotionally, energetically, and otherwise, experiential and life-changing experience. I knew that Southwestern College's M.A. in Art Therapy/Counseling…
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Counseling, Consciousness, and Survival in Utah’s Horseshoe Canyon

I never thought that the coursework in a master’s degree in counseling would help me to survive a night of being stuck in Utah’s rugged, remote, and desolate Horseshoe Canyon. Nor would I have ever guessed that an education in counseling would help me transform my consciousness in a survival situation to be able to…
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Mobile Metaphor Containment

by Deb Schroder If car designers only knew what art therapists truly need (not that we’re a big enough group to be listened to by the auto industry). We turn our mediocre, ordinary car trunks into Mobile Metaphor Containment Units – we drive around with art pieces stashed in the only container that exists in…
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Why I Stopped Saving Books

I read lots of books. I used to do a lot of underlining and note taking in those books—then I would file the books away on my bookshelf as a storehouse of knowledge. Eventually, I started to notice something: I never went back to any of those books to look at my notes and underlines.…
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How Can I Help (with a Dual Degree in Art Therapy/Counseling from SWC)?

“How Can I Help?”, a book by Ram Dass and Paul Gorman, asks a critical question of potential Art Therapists/Counselors, others in the professions such as medicine, psychology, social work, the ministry, education, and humans in general. We read this book, which explores the topics of altruism and self care in the helping professions, in…
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Three Magic Words for Fostering Respectful Dialogue

In a difficult conversation, when I'm considering saying something controversial, I find that it really helps to preface it with three magic words: "My story is..." This allows me to express my perspective while simultaneously owning it. Owning my perspective creates space for the other person to have their own perspective (which may be different…
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Taking a “Wait and See” Approach to Life

When I'm finishing up a session of meditation, I sometimes set an intention to continue doing nothing throughout my day. That doesn't mean I won't move from my meditation cushion—it means I'll take a wait-and-see approach to my day. It means acknowledging I'm not in control—and letting go. I simply wait and watch what my…
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