Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Yearly Archive 2014

A Newbie Art Therapist Reflects on the 2012 AATA Conference

by Christina-Villarreal The American Art Therapy Association's 45th annual conference (2012) was held in San Antonio, Texas. As a budding art therapist, I decided to take the opportunity to attend my first official art therapy conference, located an hour and half from where I lived in Austin, Texas.    In retrospect, I am amazed at how…
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Can Art Therapists Change Into Performance Artists…and Back Again?

If psychology is the study of the soul then therapy becomes a process of healing by which we utilize our understanding of soul or, perhaps more accurately, we attempt to understand the soul and in the process, reveal some helpful insights along life's journey. Exploring these depths requires more than just talk, especially when soul's first language is art; whether that be visual,…
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Art Therapists are Artists…and Alchemists

An art therapist knows that art-making facilitates transformation within the client/artist. Art therapists know that art can serve as a solvent, a catalyst, a salve, a stepping stone or a philosopher's stone depending on the needs of the artist. In this way an art therapist is also an alchemist practicing the ancient arts of metaphysical transformation. Art-making is an…
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My Research on Spiritual Awakening

In the summer of 2014, I took "Foundations in Human Science Research" with Michael Schwab at Southwestern College. As part of this class, I wrote a research paper on spiritual awakening. This paper was based on 10 years of personal experience exploring spiritual awakening (through meditation and other forms of spiritual practice) from 2004 to…
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Four Mandalas from Archetypal Psychology Class

In the spring of 2014, I took "Archetypal Psychology" with Heather Wulfers at Southwestern College. I was a bit intimidated about taking this class. Of all the classes I'd taken at Southwestern, this was the subject I'd had the least experience with, and I wasn't sure exactly what to expect. I had a feeling this…
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…an integral line of light

There is a fresh light beckoning, breaking, brimming with integrity. It stands there. I stand here. Steadfastly still. Burning at the foot of my solitary gill I sing sweet songs of empathy. And she knows where to turn when the lights dim, Down and in To tap the nectar from urchin fin. This kind of…
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…art as transcendent function

Here is an example of an effective art therapy directive for someone struggling to decide between two things. We are all familiar with this position: opposing directions are presented to us and we are unsure which way to go. Between a rock and a hard place. We wonder where to place our energies and how to move forward…
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Where Psyche and Sex Meet: At Southwestern College

Our sexual lives - our desires, our behaviors, our fantasies - are intimately connected to psyche. It’s no surprise then that students and therapists have been asking for more. More training. More information. More conversations about sex. Because the truth is even if you don’t have a practice specializing in sexual issues, sex is…
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…your essential exuberance

Last night I stayed up late, sat in circle with dear friends sharing perspectives on life and made art - lots of art in lots of forms. Our words became poetry, our bodies became dancers, our mediums became miracle-makers. The sky inspired the lightening inspired the moon inspired the art inspired me to move, speak…
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… a new dawn

a new dawn is upon you. take yourself into it. be beckoned. be born into moments afresh. send spells of glory with your mouth. listen for your breath. and love, love, always love. sometimes we think we are not enough. our words are not enough. our actions are not enough. our skills our intellect is…
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Archetypal Psychology Class 2014: The Mandala Process

The following images and words arose out of the 2014 spring Archetypal Psychology course. The students moved into dialogue with their soul and its language of image. My heart swelled tenfold as I witnessed these students share themselves...may you be touched as well. "The experience of this class has been a letting go of so…
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of Wishes Asunder…

And suddenly you realize that each moment is attached with the same force of seeds on a dandelion and that they are destined to depart. Your life is a mandala of moving parts. Wet water-colored memories bleed as you blow on them and the seeds spatter and scatter in the wind. Those seeds set by…
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